[NEWS] 10 Februari 2016 UP45 Jakarta, EnergiToday--
Aktivitas eksploitasi SDA yang destruktif tersebut terus mendegradasi
daya dukung dan daya tampung kesatuan ekosistem di Sumatera Selatan.
Belum lagi kebakaran hutan dan lahan yang berkontribusi besar terhadap
perubahan ekosistem, baik perubahan secara cepat maupun perlahan
“Oleh karena itu, kami khawatir bencana
ekologis ini akan terus meluas jika tidak dapat diantisipasi dengan
sesegera mungkin. Waktu terdekat yang harus dilakukan pemerintah adalah
bencana tersebut tidak terulang dalam menimbulkan kerugian baik materil
dan non materil kepada masyarakat, termasuk dengan segera melakukan
upaya rehabilitasi dan pemulihan paska kejadian. Seperti sebelumnya,
saat terjadi banjir maupun sesudahnya wabah penyakit kerap melanda
masyarakat dan lahan-lahan pertanian”, kata Hadi Jatmiko selaku Direktur
Eksekutif WALHI Sumsel dalam keterangan tertulisnya yang diterima oleh
EnergiToday di Jakarta, Rabu (10/2).
“Untuk jangka panjang pemerintah
wajib merubah paradigma dan model pembangunan dari yang selama ini
digunakan, karena terbukti dampak buruknya jauh lebih besar ketimbang
keuntungan secara ekonomis. Kebijakan lainnya yang harus dipastikan
adalah pemerintah harus berhati-hati dalam menetapkan Perda Tata Ruang
baru yang akan disahkan. Dengan memberikan porsi yang sebesar-besarnya
pada keberlanjutan lingkungan hidup dan kesejahteraan masyarakat secara
adil”, tambahnya.
Serta harus dipastikan tidak ada lagi tarik-menarik kepentingan, yang justru mementingkan aktivitas-aktivitas ekstraksi sumber daya alam yang merusak ruang peri-kehidupan. Maka rancangan Perda tersebut penting untuk diperiksa kembali, apakah sudah dapat dipastikan bahwa lingkungan hidup dan masyarakat di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan sudah terjamin hak-hak nya dalam mendapatkan kualitas lingkungan hidup yang baik. Untuk saat ini maupun generasi mendatang, sesuai dengan amanat konstitusi.[SUMBER]
government has appointed state-owned energy giant Pertamina to take on
the Bontang refinery project, promising cost-free land usage and land
clearing as investment sweeteners.
Investors in the project, operating under a government and business entity cooperation (KPBU), would also enjoy a tax holiday of 10 years, extendable up to 15 years, said Energy and Natural Resources Minister Sudirman Said.A
“The cost will be zero as investors will use the land for free, thus significantly lowering their [spending],” he said, adding that the government through the Agrarian Ministry would guarantee land certification.
Appointed to run the project, Pertamina must create a partnership with a business entity, while the Finance Ministry appoint an international consulting firm.
"Five investors have expressed their interest in the refinery construction," he explained.
Amid the rapidly increasing domestic fuel demand, the Indonesia government has set the Bontang refinery project, and the Tuban refinery, as two main facilities to help meet local demand and reduce fuel imports.
Sudirman is aiming for investors to be appointed in October 2016, at the latest, and for the groundbreaking ceremony to be held in 2017.
- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/02/09/pertamina-handle-incentive-laden-bontang-project.html#sthash.wYT6IfvX.dpuf
Investors in the project, operating under a government and business entity cooperation (KPBU), would also enjoy a tax holiday of 10 years, extendable up to 15 years, said Energy and Natural Resources Minister Sudirman Said.A
“The cost will be zero as investors will use the land for free, thus significantly lowering their [spending],” he said, adding that the government through the Agrarian Ministry would guarantee land certification.
Appointed to run the project, Pertamina must create a partnership with a business entity, while the Finance Ministry appoint an international consulting firm.
"Five investors have expressed their interest in the refinery construction," he explained.
Amid the rapidly increasing domestic fuel demand, the Indonesia government has set the Bontang refinery project, and the Tuban refinery, as two main facilities to help meet local demand and reduce fuel imports.
Sudirman is aiming for investors to be appointed in October 2016, at the latest, and for the groundbreaking ceremony to be held in 2017.
- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/02/09/pertamina-handle-incentive-laden-bontang-project.html#sthash.wYT6IfvX.dpuf
government has appointed state-owned energy giant Pertamina to take on
the Bontang refinery project, promising cost-free land usage and land
clearing as investment sweeteners.
Investors in the project, operating under a government and business entity cooperation (KPBU), would also enjoy a tax holiday of 10 years, extendable up to 15 years, said Energy and Natural Resources Minister Sudirman Said.A
“The cost will be zero as investors will use the land for free, thus significantly lowering their [spending],” he said, adding that the government through the Agrarian Ministry would guarantee land certification.
Appointed to run the project, Pertamina must create a partnership with a business entity, while the Finance Ministry appoint an international consulting firm.
"Five investors have expressed their interest in the refinery construction," he explained.
Amid the rapidly increasing domestic fuel demand, the Indonesia government has set the Bontang refinery project, and the Tuban refinery, as two main facilities to help meet local demand and reduce fuel imports.
Sudirman is aiming for investors to be appointed in October 2016, at the latest, and for the groundbreaking ceremony to be held in 2017.
- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/02/09/pertamina-handle-incentive-laden-bontang-project.html#sthash.mdjSHrz4.dpuf
Investors in the project, operating under a government and business entity cooperation (KPBU), would also enjoy a tax holiday of 10 years, extendable up to 15 years, said Energy and Natural Resources Minister Sudirman Said.A
“The cost will be zero as investors will use the land for free, thus significantly lowering their [spending],” he said, adding that the government through the Agrarian Ministry would guarantee land certification.
Appointed to run the project, Pertamina must create a partnership with a business entity, while the Finance Ministry appoint an international consulting firm.
"Five investors have expressed their interest in the refinery construction," he explained.
Amid the rapidly increasing domestic fuel demand, the Indonesia government has set the Bontang refinery project, and the Tuban refinery, as two main facilities to help meet local demand and reduce fuel imports.
Sudirman is aiming for investors to be appointed in October 2016, at the latest, and for the groundbreaking ceremony to be held in 2017.
- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/02/09/pertamina-handle-incentive-laden-bontang-project.html#sthash.mdjSHrz4.dpuf
government has appointed state-owned energy giant Pertamina to take on
the Bontang refinery project, promising cost-free land usage and land
clearing as investment sweeteners.
Investors in the project, operating under a government and business entity cooperation (KPBU), would also enjoy a tax holiday of 10 years, extendable up to 15 years, said Energy and Natural Resources Minister Sudirman Said.A
“The cost will be zero as investors will use the land for free, thus significantly lowering their [spending],” he said, adding that the government through the Agrarian Ministry would guarantee land certification.
Appointed to run the project, Pertamina must create a partnership with a business entity, while the Finance Ministry appoint an international consulting firm.
"Five investors have expressed their interest in the refinery construction," he explained.
Amid the rapidly increasing domestic fuel demand, the Indonesia government has set the Bontang refinery project, and the Tuban refinery, as two main facilities to help meet local demand and reduce fuel imports.
Sudirman is aiming for investors to be appointed in October 2016, at the latest, and for the groundbreaking ceremony to be held in 2017.
- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/02/09/pertamina-handle-incentive-laden-bontang-project.html#sthash.mdjSHrz4.dpuf
Investors in the project, operating under a government and business entity cooperation (KPBU), would also enjoy a tax holiday of 10 years, extendable up to 15 years, said Energy and Natural Resources Minister Sudirman Said.A
“The cost will be zero as investors will use the land for free, thus significantly lowering their [spending],” he said, adding that the government through the Agrarian Ministry would guarantee land certification.
Appointed to run the project, Pertamina must create a partnership with a business entity, while the Finance Ministry appoint an international consulting firm.
"Five investors have expressed their interest in the refinery construction," he explained.
Amid the rapidly increasing domestic fuel demand, the Indonesia government has set the Bontang refinery project, and the Tuban refinery, as two main facilities to help meet local demand and reduce fuel imports.
Sudirman is aiming for investors to be appointed in October 2016, at the latest, and for the groundbreaking ceremony to be held in 2017.
- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/02/09/pertamina-handle-incentive-laden-bontang-project.html#sthash.mdjSHrz4.dpuf
government has appointed state-owned energy giant Pertamina to take on
the Bontang refinery project, promising cost-free land usage and land
clearing as investment sweeteners.
Investors in the project, operating under a government and business entity cooperation (KPBU), would also enjoy a tax holiday of 10 years, extendable up to 15 years, said Energy and Natural Resources Minister Sudirman Said.A
“The cost will be zero as investors will use the land for free, thus significantly lowering their [spending],” he said, adding that the government through the Agrarian Ministry would guarantee land certification.
Appointed to run the project, Pertamina must create a partnership with a business entity, while the Finance Ministry appoint an international consulting firm.
"Five investors have expressed their interest in the refinery construction," he explained.
Amid the rapidly increasing domestic fuel demand, the Indonesia government has set the Bontang refinery project, and the Tuban refinery, as two main facilities to help meet local demand and reduce fuel imports.
Sudirman is aiming for investors to be appointed in October 2016, at the latest, and for the groundbreaking ceremony to be held in 2017.
- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/02/09/pertamina-handle-incentive-laden-bontang-project.html#sthash.bc87XMnD.dpuf
Investors in the project, operating under a government and business entity cooperation (KPBU), would also enjoy a tax holiday of 10 years, extendable up to 15 years, said Energy and Natural Resources Minister Sudirman Said.A
“The cost will be zero as investors will use the land for free, thus significantly lowering their [spending],” he said, adding that the government through the Agrarian Ministry would guarantee land certification.
Appointed to run the project, Pertamina must create a partnership with a business entity, while the Finance Ministry appoint an international consulting firm.
"Five investors have expressed their interest in the refinery construction," he explained.
Amid the rapidly increasing domestic fuel demand, the Indonesia government has set the Bontang refinery project, and the Tuban refinery, as two main facilities to help meet local demand and reduce fuel imports.
Sudirman is aiming for investors to be appointed in October 2016, at the latest, and for the groundbreaking ceremony to be held in 2017.
- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/02/09/pertamina-handle-incentive-laden-bontang-project.html#sthash.bc87XMnD.dpuf
government has appointed state-owned energy giant Pertamina to take on
the Bontang refinery project, promising cost-free land usage and land
clearing as investment sweeteners.
Investors in the project, operating under a government and business entity cooperation (KPBU), would also enjoy a tax holiday of 10 years, extendable up to 15 years, said Energy and Natural Resources Minister Sudirman Said.A
“The cost will be zero as investors will use the land for free, thus significantly lowering their [spending],” he said, adding that the government through the Agrarian Ministry would guarantee land certification.
Appointed to run the project, Pertamina must create a partnership with a business entity, while the Finance Ministry appoint an international consulting firm.
"Five investors have expressed their interest in the refinery construction," he explained.
Amid the rapidly increasing domestic fuel demand, the Indonesia government has set the Bontang refinery project, and the Tuban refinery, as two main facilities to help meet local demand and reduce fuel imports.
Sudirman is aiming for investors to be appointed in October 2016, at the latest, and for the groundbreaking ceremony to be held in 2017.
- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/02/09/pertamina-handle-incentive-laden-bontang-project.html#sthash.bc87XMnD.dpuf
Investors in the project, operating under a government and business entity cooperation (KPBU), would also enjoy a tax holiday of 10 years, extendable up to 15 years, said Energy and Natural Resources Minister Sudirman Said.A
“The cost will be zero as investors will use the land for free, thus significantly lowering their [spending],” he said, adding that the government through the Agrarian Ministry would guarantee land certification.
Appointed to run the project, Pertamina must create a partnership with a business entity, while the Finance Ministry appoint an international consulting firm.
"Five investors have expressed their interest in the refinery construction," he explained.
Amid the rapidly increasing domestic fuel demand, the Indonesia government has set the Bontang refinery project, and the Tuban refinery, as two main facilities to help meet local demand and reduce fuel imports.
Sudirman is aiming for investors to be appointed in October 2016, at the latest, and for the groundbreaking ceremony to be held in 2017.
- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/02/09/pertamina-handle-incentive-laden-bontang-project.html#sthash.bc87XMnD.dpuf
government has appointed state-owned energy giant Pertamina to take on
the Bontang refinery project, promising cost-free land usage and land
clearing as investment sweeteners.
Investors in the project, operating under a government and business entity cooperation (KPBU), would also enjoy a tax holiday of 10 years, extendable up to 15 years, said Energy and Natural Resources Minister Sudirman Said.A
“The cost will be zero as investors will use the land for free, thus significantly lowering their [spending],” he said, adding that the government through the Agrarian Ministry would guarantee land certification.
Appointed to run the project, Pertamina must create a partnership with a business entity, while the Finance Ministry appoint an international consulting firm.
"Five investors have expressed their interest in the refinery construction," he explained.
Amid the rapidly increasing domestic fuel demand, the Indonesia government has set the Bontang refinery project, and the Tuban refinery, as two main facilities to help meet local demand and reduce fuel imports.
Sudirman is aiming for investors to be appointed in October 2016, at the latest, and for the groundbreaking ceremony to be held in 2017.
- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/02/09/pertamina-handle-incentive-laden-bontang-project.html#sthash.bc87XMnD.dpuf
Investors in the project, operating under a government and business entity cooperation (KPBU), would also enjoy a tax holiday of 10 years, extendable up to 15 years, said Energy and Natural Resources Minister Sudirman Said.A
“The cost will be zero as investors will use the land for free, thus significantly lowering their [spending],” he said, adding that the government through the Agrarian Ministry would guarantee land certification.
Appointed to run the project, Pertamina must create a partnership with a business entity, while the Finance Ministry appoint an international consulting firm.
"Five investors have expressed their interest in the refinery construction," he explained.
Amid the rapidly increasing domestic fuel demand, the Indonesia government has set the Bontang refinery project, and the Tuban refinery, as two main facilities to help meet local demand and reduce fuel imports.
Sudirman is aiming for investors to be appointed in October 2016, at the latest, and for the groundbreaking ceremony to be held in 2017.
- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/02/09/pertamina-handle-incentive-laden-bontang-project.html#sthash.bc87XMnD.dpuf
government has appointed state-owned energy giant Pertamina to take on
the Bontang refinery project, promising cost-free land usage and land
clearing as investment sweeteners.
Investors in the project, operating under a government and business entity cooperation (KPBU), would also enjoy a tax holiday of 10 years, extendable up to 15 years, said Energy and Natural Resources Minister Sudirman Said.A
“The cost will be zero as investors will use the land for free, thus significantly lowering their [spending],” he said, adding that the government through the Agrarian Ministry would guarantee land certification.
Appointed to run the project, Pertamina must create a partnership with a business entity, while the Finance Ministry appoint an international consulting firm.
"Five investors have expressed their interest in the refinery construction," he explained.
Amid the rapidly increasing domestic fuel demand, the Indonesia government has set the Bontang refinery project, and the Tuban refinery, as two main facilities to help meet local demand and reduce fuel imports.
Sudirman is aiming for investors to be appointed in October 2016, at the latest, and for the groundbreaking ceremony to be held in 2017.
- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/02/09/pertamina-handle-incentive-laden-bontang-project.html#sthash.bc87XMnD.dpuf
Investors in the project, operating under a government and business entity cooperation (KPBU), would also enjoy a tax holiday of 10 years, extendable up to 15 years, said Energy and Natural Resources Minister Sudirman Said.A
“The cost will be zero as investors will use the land for free, thus significantly lowering their [spending],” he said, adding that the government through the Agrarian Ministry would guarantee land certification.
Appointed to run the project, Pertamina must create a partnership with a business entity, while the Finance Ministry appoint an international consulting firm.
"Five investors have expressed their interest in the refinery construction," he explained.
Amid the rapidly increasing domestic fuel demand, the Indonesia government has set the Bontang refinery project, and the Tuban refinery, as two main facilities to help meet local demand and reduce fuel imports.
Sudirman is aiming for investors to be appointed in October 2016, at the latest, and for the groundbreaking ceremony to be held in 2017.
- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/02/09/pertamina-handle-incentive-laden-bontang-project.html#sthash.bc87XMnD.dpuf
Jakarta - Akhirnya, Kementerian Energi Sumber Daya Mineral
memperpanjang izin ekspor konsentrat PT Freeport Indonesia. Kuotanya
sebesar 1 juta ton dalam enam bulan.
"Untuk kuota ekspornya sekitar 1 juta ton," kata Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian ESDM, Bambang Gatot di Jakarta, Selasa (9/2/2016).
Bambang menuturkan, realisasi ekspor konsentrat tembaga Freeport untuk periode Juli 2015 hingga Januari 2016, mencapai 500 ribu ton.
Kuota yang diberikan selama kurun enam bulan itu, sebesar 775.000 ton. Sementara, volume ekspor Freeport hingga Agustus nanti memang lebih tinggi dari kuota sebelumnya.
Namun Bambang tidak menjelaskan kuota ekspor sekitar 1 juta ton itu, apakah sudah termasuk volume ekspor yang tidak terserap. "Kuota itu sesuai dengan permohonan Freeport," ujarnya.
Terkait pemberian rekomendasi perpanjangan izin ekspor oleh Kementerian ESDM, semakin menguatkan bahwa Freeport memang anak emas.
Pasalnya, industri tambang terbesar asal Amerika Serikat keberatan dengan syarat dana penjaminan smelter US$ 530 juta. Alasannya karena keuangan Freeport terganggu dan tren penurunan harga komoditas tambang.
Tiba-tiba, Kementerian ESDM memberikan perpanjangan izin ekspor kepada Freeport. Anehnya lagi, syarat dana penjaminan smelter US$ 530 juta tak jelas rimbanya. Diganti dengan bea keluar 5%.
Selanjutnya, rekomendasi perpanjangan izin ekspor yang ditandatangani Menteri ESDM Sudirman Said itu, diajukan ke kemendag untuk dijadikan surat persetujuan ekspor (SPE). Setelah SPE muncul, Freeport bisa langsung melaksanakan kegiatan ekspor.
- See more at: http://ekonomi.inilah.com/read/detail/2272969/izin-ekspor-freeport-kementerian-esdm-masuk-angin#sthash.2GC8uI5R.dpuf
"Untuk kuota ekspornya sekitar 1 juta ton," kata Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian ESDM, Bambang Gatot di Jakarta, Selasa (9/2/2016).
Bambang menuturkan, realisasi ekspor konsentrat tembaga Freeport untuk periode Juli 2015 hingga Januari 2016, mencapai 500 ribu ton.
Kuota yang diberikan selama kurun enam bulan itu, sebesar 775.000 ton. Sementara, volume ekspor Freeport hingga Agustus nanti memang lebih tinggi dari kuota sebelumnya.
Namun Bambang tidak menjelaskan kuota ekspor sekitar 1 juta ton itu, apakah sudah termasuk volume ekspor yang tidak terserap. "Kuota itu sesuai dengan permohonan Freeport," ujarnya.
Terkait pemberian rekomendasi perpanjangan izin ekspor oleh Kementerian ESDM, semakin menguatkan bahwa Freeport memang anak emas.
Pasalnya, industri tambang terbesar asal Amerika Serikat keberatan dengan syarat dana penjaminan smelter US$ 530 juta. Alasannya karena keuangan Freeport terganggu dan tren penurunan harga komoditas tambang.
Tiba-tiba, Kementerian ESDM memberikan perpanjangan izin ekspor kepada Freeport. Anehnya lagi, syarat dana penjaminan smelter US$ 530 juta tak jelas rimbanya. Diganti dengan bea keluar 5%.
Selanjutnya, rekomendasi perpanjangan izin ekspor yang ditandatangani Menteri ESDM Sudirman Said itu, diajukan ke kemendag untuk dijadikan surat persetujuan ekspor (SPE). Setelah SPE muncul, Freeport bisa langsung melaksanakan kegiatan ekspor.
- See more at: http://ekonomi.inilah.com/read/detail/2272969/izin-ekspor-freeport-kementerian-esdm-masuk-angin#sthash.2GC8uI5R.dpuf
Jakarta - Akhirnya, Kementerian Energi Sumber Daya Mineral
memperpanjang izin ekspor konsentrat PT Freeport Indonesia. Kuotanya
sebesar 1 juta ton dalam enam bulan.
"Untuk kuota ekspornya sekitar 1 juta ton," kata Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian ESDM, Bambang Gatot di Jakarta, Selasa (9/2/2016).
Bambang menuturkan, realisasi ekspor konsentrat tembaga Freeport untuk periode Juli 2015 hingga Januari 2016, mencapai 500 ribu ton.
Kuota yang diberikan selama kurun enam bulan itu, sebesar 775.000 ton. Sementara, volume ekspor Freeport hingga Agustus nanti memang lebih tinggi dari kuota sebelumnya.
Namun Bambang tidak menjelaskan kuota ekspor sekitar 1 juta ton itu, apakah sudah termasuk volume ekspor yang tidak terserap. "Kuota itu sesuai dengan permohonan Freeport," ujarnya.
Terkait pemberian rekomendasi perpanjangan izin ekspor oleh Kementerian ESDM, semakin menguatkan bahwa Freeport memang anak emas.
Pasalnya, industri tambang terbesar asal Amerika Serikat keberatan dengan syarat dana penjaminan smelter US$ 530 juta. Alasannya karena keuangan Freeport terganggu dan tren penurunan harga komoditas tambang.
Tiba-tiba, Kementerian ESDM memberikan perpanjangan izin ekspor kepada Freeport. Anehnya lagi, syarat dana penjaminan smelter US$ 530 juta tak jelas rimbanya. Diganti dengan bea keluar 5%.
Selanjutnya, rekomendasi perpanjangan izin ekspor yang ditandatangani Menteri ESDM Sudirman Said itu, diajukan ke kemendag untuk dijadikan surat persetujuan ekspor (SPE). Setelah SPE muncul, Freeport bisa langsung melaksanakan kegiatan ekspor.
- See more at: http://ekonomi.inilah.com/read/detail/2272969/izin-ekspor-freeport-kementerian-esdm-masuk-angin#sthash.2GC8uI5R.dpuf
"Untuk kuota ekspornya sekitar 1 juta ton," kata Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian ESDM, Bambang Gatot di Jakarta, Selasa (9/2/2016).
Bambang menuturkan, realisasi ekspor konsentrat tembaga Freeport untuk periode Juli 2015 hingga Januari 2016, mencapai 500 ribu ton.
Kuota yang diberikan selama kurun enam bulan itu, sebesar 775.000 ton. Sementara, volume ekspor Freeport hingga Agustus nanti memang lebih tinggi dari kuota sebelumnya.
Namun Bambang tidak menjelaskan kuota ekspor sekitar 1 juta ton itu, apakah sudah termasuk volume ekspor yang tidak terserap. "Kuota itu sesuai dengan permohonan Freeport," ujarnya.
Terkait pemberian rekomendasi perpanjangan izin ekspor oleh Kementerian ESDM, semakin menguatkan bahwa Freeport memang anak emas.
Pasalnya, industri tambang terbesar asal Amerika Serikat keberatan dengan syarat dana penjaminan smelter US$ 530 juta. Alasannya karena keuangan Freeport terganggu dan tren penurunan harga komoditas tambang.
Tiba-tiba, Kementerian ESDM memberikan perpanjangan izin ekspor kepada Freeport. Anehnya lagi, syarat dana penjaminan smelter US$ 530 juta tak jelas rimbanya. Diganti dengan bea keluar 5%.
Selanjutnya, rekomendasi perpanjangan izin ekspor yang ditandatangani Menteri ESDM Sudirman Said itu, diajukan ke kemendag untuk dijadikan surat persetujuan ekspor (SPE). Setelah SPE muncul, Freeport bisa langsung melaksanakan kegiatan ekspor.
- See more at: http://ekonomi.inilah.com/read/detail/2272969/izin-ekspor-freeport-kementerian-esdm-masuk-angin#sthash.2GC8uI5R.dpuf
Jakarta - Akhirnya, Kementerian Energi Sumber Daya Mineral
memperpanjang izin ekspor konsentrat PT Freeport Indonesia. Kuotanya
sebesar 1 juta ton dalam enam bulan.
"Untuk kuota ekspornya sekitar 1 juta ton," kata Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian ESDM, Bambang Gatot di Jakarta, Selasa (9/2/2016).
Bambang menuturkan, realisasi ekspor konsentrat tembaga Freeport untuk periode Juli 2015 hingga Januari 2016, mencapai 500 ribu ton.
Kuota yang diberikan selama kurun enam bulan itu, sebesar 775.000 ton. Sementara, volume ekspor Freeport hingga Agustus nanti memang lebih tinggi dari kuota sebelumnya.
Namun Bambang tidak menjelaskan kuota ekspor sekitar 1 juta ton itu, apakah sudah termasuk volume ekspor yang tidak terserap. "Kuota itu sesuai dengan permohonan Freeport," ujarnya.
Terkait pemberian rekomendasi perpanjangan izin ekspor oleh Kementerian ESDM, semakin menguatkan bahwa Freeport memang anak emas.
Pasalnya, industri tambang terbesar asal Amerika Serikat keberatan dengan syarat dana penjaminan smelter US$ 530 juta. Alasannya karena keuangan Freeport terganggu dan tren penurunan harga komoditas tambang.
Tiba-tiba, Kementerian ESDM memberikan perpanjangan izin ekspor kepada Freeport. Anehnya lagi, syarat dana penjaminan smelter US$ 530 juta tak jelas rimbanya. Diganti dengan bea keluar 5%.
Selanjutnya, rekomendasi perpanjangan izin ekspor yang ditandatangani Menteri ESDM Sudirman Said itu, diajukan ke kemendag untuk dijadikan surat persetujuan ekspor (SPE). Setelah SPE muncul, Freeport bisa langsung melaksanakan kegiatan ekspor.
- See more at: http://ekonomi.inilah.com/read/detail/2272969/izin-ekspor-freeport-kementerian-esdm-masuk-angin#sthash.2GC8uI5R.dpuf
"Untuk kuota ekspornya sekitar 1 juta ton," kata Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian ESDM, Bambang Gatot di Jakarta, Selasa (9/2/2016).
Bambang menuturkan, realisasi ekspor konsentrat tembaga Freeport untuk periode Juli 2015 hingga Januari 2016, mencapai 500 ribu ton.
Kuota yang diberikan selama kurun enam bulan itu, sebesar 775.000 ton. Sementara, volume ekspor Freeport hingga Agustus nanti memang lebih tinggi dari kuota sebelumnya.
Namun Bambang tidak menjelaskan kuota ekspor sekitar 1 juta ton itu, apakah sudah termasuk volume ekspor yang tidak terserap. "Kuota itu sesuai dengan permohonan Freeport," ujarnya.
Terkait pemberian rekomendasi perpanjangan izin ekspor oleh Kementerian ESDM, semakin menguatkan bahwa Freeport memang anak emas.
Pasalnya, industri tambang terbesar asal Amerika Serikat keberatan dengan syarat dana penjaminan smelter US$ 530 juta. Alasannya karena keuangan Freeport terganggu dan tren penurunan harga komoditas tambang.
Tiba-tiba, Kementerian ESDM memberikan perpanjangan izin ekspor kepada Freeport. Anehnya lagi, syarat dana penjaminan smelter US$ 530 juta tak jelas rimbanya. Diganti dengan bea keluar 5%.
Selanjutnya, rekomendasi perpanjangan izin ekspor yang ditandatangani Menteri ESDM Sudirman Said itu, diajukan ke kemendag untuk dijadikan surat persetujuan ekspor (SPE). Setelah SPE muncul, Freeport bisa langsung melaksanakan kegiatan ekspor.
- See more at: http://ekonomi.inilah.com/read/detail/2272969/izin-ekspor-freeport-kementerian-esdm-masuk-angin#sthash.2GC8uI5R.dpuf